• v2ray各种协议对比

    Virtual Learning Summit Registration Now Open

  • Congratulations to 2023-2023 Innovation of the Year Award Winners

  • Join or Renew League Membership

  • Information and Resources




June, 2023

As community colleges wrestle with decisions around the short-term and long-term impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and what many are calling the “new normal,” the League for Innovation in the Community College is doing its part. A new...


August, 2023

The League’s virtual Learning Summit, October 5-6, 2023, focuses on how the future of work is shifting education; defining the adult learner cycles and support; meeting working adult...




July, 2023
Established over 35 years ago, the League’s Innovation of the Year award was devised as a way to recognize significant innovations at League Board and Alliance member colleges . These innovations reflect significant achievements and the spirit...

Educational Testing Service O’Banion Prize Awarded to Andrew L. Meyer at Innovations 2023

March, 2023
Andrew L. Meyer, Founder, Meyer Global Associates LLC, and Vice President Emeritus, Anne Arundel Community College, was presented with the ETS O’Banion Priize for his role as a leading expert and advocate for adult learning and workforce...


League for Innovation in the Community College

The League for Innovation in the Community College (League) is an international nonprofit organization with a mission to cultivate innovation in the community college environment. Founded in 1968 by B. Lamar Johnson and a dozen U.S. community and technical college presidents, the League has proudly served community college institutions for over 50 years. 

Get Started

Innovatus - the magazine of the League for Innovation in the Community College

COVID-19 Information and Resources


    Synchronized Learning: Choreographing the Ideal Pathway

    Electronic Clinical Passport for Student Rotations

    Challenges and Opportunities for Increasing the STEM Pipeline

    Using Clickers to Teach Critical Thinking


    Unified Messaging: Reaching Our Students and Staff Wherever They Are

    Promoting Accountability and Sustainability to Secure an Institutional Niche

Upcoming Events

October 5-6, 2023


December 13-17, 2023
Scottsdale, Arizona

Innovations 2021
Information Coming Soon


League Events Calendar


Hunger Relief and Student Success

Reducing Food Insecurity for Community College Students

Innovative Solutions for Hunger Relief and Student Success aims to help community colleges reduce food insecurity for students in sustainable ways that foster student retention, persistence, and success. MORE>


Advancing the Community College Role in Public Health Education

Curricular resources to assist community colleges in developing programs in public health education and administration, environmental health, and health navigation are now available. v2ray协议选择


Engaging Faculty in the National Completion Conversation

The Faculty Voices Project engaged community college faculty, both full- and part-time, in the national conversation about student success and completion. Resources are now available. MORE>


Innovatus: Spring 2023

The magazine of the League for Innovation in the Community College

Empowering Students and Improving Learning Through Midterm Student Feedback

by Peter Ufland

The Community College Baccalaureate: Supporting Regional Economic Development

edited by Constance M. Carroll and Rufus Glasper